
Opening hours: Mon - Fri: 8.00am To 5.00pm

Sat: 8.00am To 1.00pm

£5 off mot test fee when carried out in conjunction with servicing. Offer on through august and September

Diesel Particulate Filter

WhatsApp Image 2022-05-30 at 12.05.39 PM (1)

Diesel Particulate Filter fitted

If you drive a modern diesel car or van then the chances are it has a “Diesel Particulate Filter fitted. The DPF is situated in the exhaust system and is designed to prevent certain damaging and harmful soot particles being released from the vehicles engine into our environment.

What most drivers do not know is that in order to do this the vehicle will run a “Regeneration cycle in order to burn off the soot particles trapped in the DPF.

This is usually done when the vehicle is driven and can take anything up to 40 minutes to complete and is does it by raising the temperature of the DPF enough that the particles are burnt off and clear the DPF.

 The other way regeneration is carried out is by “Forced regeneration in the workshop, this is usually a result of the DPF warning light illuminating and the customer bring the vehicle into our workshop and carried out using suitable diagnostic equipment. 

Information on how to adjust your driving style and reduce the risk of damage to the DPF or your engine can usually be found in your vehicles handbook alternatively if you need advice or help you can always contact us and we will be happy to help.

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